Sunday, March 4, 2012

It runs!!

I'll post more in the morning, but Jimmy just woke me up to let me know that the rebuilt carburetor fixed the starting issue. Pippin fired right up! I went outside to see for myself... He sounds good (for not being successfully started up in two years)!
For now, I'll go back to sleep. :)

I'm all too lazy to edit this with all the updated information, so I'm stealing this from a post Jimmy made on NAM:

The fuel issue was with the cut off needle not working right... wasn't seated all the way. I like the one that was in it more than the one that I just got from MiniMania so if it keeps leaking, the old set is going back in...

Here is a video... Click me

So to get it on the road...
New tires
Throttle return spring
New left rear blinker bulb
Put the seats back in
New wipers
New door locks (didn't come with keys)
Get everything wired up right
Should be ready by summer!

1 comment:

  1. Great!
    Keep up the blog, lots of fun to see your guy's progress.

    Looks like the car is cleaning up to be a real gem. Mine is also a 1960 MK1 Mini.
